The Gabrielle Gay Award for Excellence in Reading and Literacy is an annual Reading Trophy and Literacy Mentorship program, which rewards high achievers in Literacy, as well as mentors remedial readers, and provides educational resources for schools in need.
This project has been ongoing for almost 13 years, commencing when Gabrielle Gay was just 13 years old, as she has been a voracious reader from the age of five! The Programme has been lauded by National and International Awards : most recently being honoured in the prestigious Queens Young Leaders Award by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The Programme is currently the first, largest and only global Education, Reading and Literacy Programme in the Caribbean Region - with a reach of (number) students worldwide, and partners in every continent of the world!
The Gabrielle Gay Award for Excellence in Reading and Literacy is an annual Reading Trophy and Literacy Mentorship programme, which rewards high achievers in Literacy, mentors remedial readers, and provides critical educational resources and infrastructure for at-risk students and Youth.
This project has been ongoing for over 15 years, commencing when Gabrielle Gay was just 13 years old, as she has been a voracious reader from the age of five! The is the first, largest and most awarded Education Programme in Barbados and the Caribbean region. It has been lauded by National and International Awards : most recently being honoured in the prestigious Queens Young Leaders Award by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.