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加布里埃尔·戴维达 GAY

Gabrielle Gay 是一位狂热的读者。 5 岁时,她已阅读了大部分深受喜爱的经典著作,例如简·奥斯汀、马克·吐温、罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森、艾慕斯卡·奥奇男爵夫人、皇家读者等。到 10 岁时,她以其逻辑性和逻辑性吸引了整个国家。对 Thomas “Tom” Fields 主持的“Thomas on Thursday”节目“Thomas on Thursday”的巴巴多斯之声提出了明智的看法,她被亲切地称为“Tom's Gabby”,后来被评为“年度杰出儿童”;在 VOB 92.9 FM 上。她在年轻时也积极参与教会活动,在全岛的各个教堂布道,并与她教会的和散那合唱团一起唱歌。 Gabrielle Gay 是 David 和 Margaret Gay 的女儿,他们都是医疗专业人员。她就读于基督复临安息日会小学和中学的私立学校。  


13 岁时,她参加了第一次加勒比考试委员会的考试,以英语语言科目的优异成绩获得了 1 级。到 15 岁时,她以优异的成绩完成了其余的 CXC 和 A Level 科目。她进入巴巴多斯社区学院学习英国文学和社会学。当她在大学的英语文学中获得最高平均成绩时,她的学术实力继续保持。为了这一成就,她和其他三个人一起获得了 约翰威克姆英国文学卓越奖学金。同一周,她还获得了教育部颁发的全国青年社区服务奖,以表彰她的 Gabrielle Gay 阅读和识字卓越奖。她还是 2017 年 JCI 巴巴多斯国家公共演讲冠军。

Gabrielle Gay 女士是西印度群岛大学卡夫希尔校区法学学士三年级学生。 Gabrielle 通过耐心地攒下微薄的零用钱,在 13 岁的时候在五所学校创立了 Gabrielle Gay 卓越阅读和识字指导计划。它在过去十年中迅速发展;现已在巴巴多斯、加勒比地区和世界各地的 118 多所小学、中学和高等教育机构实施。该计划通过他们的奖项以及学校的阅读和领导力辅导课程来促进识字和心理健康。它与学习心理学家合作,指导补救性读者并为家长提供帮助,非政府组织和企业实体为图书馆捐赠书籍。该计划支付学费,并为非洲、亚洲和太平洋地区的学生购买校服和鞋子:(塞拉利昂、印度、圣卢西亚、圣文森特、加纳、坦桑尼亚、牙买加、马拉维和瓦努阿图!)

At 13 years old, Gabrielle achieved a remarkable feat by obtaining a Grade 1 with distinction in the Caribbean Examination Council's English Language exam. By the age of 15, she had excelled in all her CXC and A Level subjects, earning distinctions. She pursued further studies at the Barbados Community College, focusing on English Literature and Sociology. Her academic excellence continued as she achieved the highest grade point average in English Literature at the college, earning her the prestigious John Wickham Scholarship for Excellence in English Literature, along with three other deserving recipients. Simultaneously, she received the National Youth Award for Community Service from the Ministry of Education for her Gabrielle Gay Award for Excellence in Reading and Literacy Program. In addition, she became the JCI Barbados National Public Speaking Champion in 2017. Currently, Gabrielle Gay is a dedicated final year Bachelor of Law student at the University of the West Indies Cavehill Campus.

Gabrielle Gay's unwavering passion for education led her to establish the Gabrielle Gay Award for Excellence in Reading and Literacy Mentorship Programme at a tender age of 13. With nothing more than her meager allowance, she started this program in just five schools, but its impact grew exponentially over the past decade. Today, it has been implemented in over 118 primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions across Barbados, the Caribbean, and even beyond. This groundbreaking program goes beyond promoting literacy; it also focuses on mental health, recognizing the profound connection between the two. Through their awards, reading sessions, and leadership mentorship, Gabrielle's program fosters a love for reading and empowers students to become leaders in their communities. Collaborating with learning psychologists, the program provides crucial support to remedial readers and offers assistance to parents. It also partners with NGOs and corporate entities to ensure libraries are stocked with donated books.


该计划是巴巴多斯和加勒比地区首个、运行时间最长、获奖最多的此类计划。 它是该国整个 54 年历史上唯一的巴巴多斯教育计划,因其在英联邦教育方面的开创性工作而在享有盛誉的 2018 年女王青年领袖奖计划中获得伊丽莎白二世女王的表彰。 Gabrielle Gay 在 2020 年创造了历史,成为有史以来第一个也是唯一一个被选为经认证的世界扫盲基金会大使的巴巴多斯人:从 4,800 名全球扫盲最佳入围申请人中选出。她与世界扫盲基金会合作,通过教育帮助超过 400,000 名儿童摆脱贫困。


全国;它也是巴巴多斯政府在 2009 年授予的第一个也是唯一一个教育计划,授予国家青年奖,以表彰其对社区的模范服务。她对教育的创纪录贡献 历史还在继续;与 2018 年一样,Gabrielle Gay 英语文学学士学位卓越奖成为西印度群岛大学卡夫希尔校区七十年历史上第一个授予英语文学学士学位的奖项。它也是巴巴多斯社区学院英语文学专业的唯一奖项。因此,有效地成为巴巴多斯英语文学最高级别的奖项计划。该计划也是同类计划中规模最大的:与全球和区域项目合作伙伴合作,并在加勒比地区和世界各大洲实施。  


此后,她开始了两个新项目:Femme Lex 和 Femme STEM Cohorts,来自小岛屿发展中国家、发展中国家和发达国家边缘化社区的年轻女性在其中获得认证的指导、心理健康、教育、实习和晋升机会法律和 STEM 领域的机会。这些计划于 2o21 年 9 月建立并启动,是巴巴多斯首个此类计划并已实施区域领土!

Gabrielle 曾出现在多个 30 位 30 岁以下的名单中,并在诸如巴巴多斯常驻世界贸易组织和联合国代表团、Loop News、今日巴巴多斯和国家报纸等出版物中获得荣誉。她被联合国、世界贸易组织、巴巴多斯中央银行、福克斯新闻网、Digicel 等国际实体选为重要的社会和传统媒体影响者。她的文件 她在 Instagram 和社交媒体上的工作,每周有超过 200,000 人参与!  



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Building on this accomplishment, Gabrielle launched two programs in 2021: The Femme Lex and Femme STEM Cohorts. These initiatives provide young women from Small Island Developing States, developing countries, and marginalized communities in developed countries with vital opportunities for certified mentorship, mental health support, education, internships, and advancement in the fields of law and STEM. Born out of the urgent need to address the education gaps exacerbated by the pandemic, as well as the global demand for governance focused on Small Island Developing States, the Femme Lex Cohort stands as the first and only certified legal mentorship entrepreneurship program of its kind in the entire Caribbean Americas. It connects aspiring female law and politics students from SIDS and marginalized communities to mentorship and internships in specialized legal fields such as Climate Justice, Technology Law and more.

Additionally, participants are certified in critical Sustainable Conscious Entrepreneurship skills through collaboration with the Barbados Youth Business Trust. As ambassadors, they go on to develop actionable policy outputs to advance justice in the Caribbean and worldwide. The Femme Lex Cohort has achieved remarkable results! From 2021-2022, it successfully reached 189 women law students and attorneys across the Caribbean Americas, Africa, America, Asia, and the United Kingdom. Its Mentorship Sessions have educated over 300,000 people! This program has become the top-rated legal entrepreneurship and mentorship initiative of its kind. 100% of FLC Ambassadors reported that the course was extremely pivotal in advancing their legal education, unanimously emphasizing the need for ongoing provision of this course to fully develop law students for their legal careers.

In 2022, the Femme STEM Cohort achieved a historic milestone in the realms of Financial Technology and Education. Through a partnership with renowned technology expert and Education Engineer, Mr. Sam Ahn from the esteemed Stony Brook School, they hosted global educational workshops that left an indelible mark. During these workshops, the FSC Ambassadors had the privilege of engaging in exclusive hands-on sessions, delving into the realms of social entrepreneurship and NFT Crypto Currencies. The Workshop Academy served as a virtual exchange program, bringing together students from Barbados, America, Japan, the United Kingdom, China, Guyana, Ireland, St. Vincent & Grenadines, South Africa, Togo, Niger, and South Korea, becoming the first of its kind in the Caribbean Americas.

Gabrielle's groundbreaking achievements continue to shine as she holds various esteemed positions. She is the first-ever Barbados Environment Conservation Trust Ambassador in 2022 and currently serves as the Strategic Advisor of the Policy and Advocacy Unit of The Caribbean Regional Youth Council from 2022 to 2024. Moreover, Gabrielle's impact in the field of education garnered international recognition. She was selected as the first-ever Barbadian AIS Forum Youth Ambassador by the United Nations and the United Nations Development Programme's Archipelagic Island States Forum (AIS Forum), due to her pioneering work in education and her relentless efforts in promoting Climate Justice globally. In January 2023, Gabrielle's trailblazing journey continued as she was chosen by the United Nations Barbados and OECS to join the prestigious United Nations Youth Advisory Group. Aligned with the UN's 2030 global Youth Strategy, the YAG serves as the official advisory body for the entire UN Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Multi-Country Office. It empowers youth to actively contribute to the sub-region's sustainable development, working closely with the UN Sub-regional team.

Gabrielle's impact on youth and education extends beyond traditional avenues, with social media being one of her key methodologies. To date, Gabrielle is the most followed Youth Leader and Philanthropist in her niche, in Barbados. Her online presence showcases an impressive following of over 110,000+ across various platforms. Weekly, she reaches an astounding 121,000+ Barbadians and over 630,000+ individuals globally monthly: spanning the Caribbean, America, UK, Canada, and more. This remarkable and massive reach solidifies her as a powerful force for positive influence, and a valuable asset for any organization or brand with which she is aligned. Notably, she has also provided expert consultation, crafted compelling viral content, and collaborated with esteemed global entities such as the United Nations, The World Trade Organisation, Fintech Islands Expo, UNDP AIS Forum, Disney, JORD Watches, Robert Half, ThreadTank, Fox TV, U-Report Barbados, Colgate Palmolive, and many others. Her contributions have earned her features in multiple local and global magazines, as well as recognition on numerous prestigious "30 Under 30" lists worldwide.

Gabrielle truly embodies the essence of an educational revolutionary and youth philanthropist, with an outstanding 18 plus-year track record of innovation and remarkable success in education. Through groundbreaking accomplishmentsand unwavering dedication, she has become an inspiration and a catalyst for change, establishing herself as a true trailblazer. Her Foundation has reached, inspired, and impacted over 700,000 individuals through its programs, partnerships and advocacy: while her positive influence and leadership on social media has reached an impressive 10 million people over the past decade. Through her pioneering efforts, teamwork and partnerships: she has become a beacon of hope and a force for progress, leaving an indelible mark on the world and reminding us of the incredible potential within each of us - to create a better tomorrow.

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